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Thursday, May 7, 2009 - 9:20 AM

Highlights of Thermal Spray R&D Trends in Italy

T. Valente, Rome University "la Sapienza", Rome, Italy

Thermal spraying in Italy, even though having a small relative size if compared with other EU and non EU countries, represent a valuable technology for different industrial applications. The variety of products and coatings that can be enhanced by thermal spray range from applications in the aerospace sector to the biomaterial field. Organizations that have supported thermal spraying business and technology consist of coating contract shops, suppliers of spray equipment and consumables and companies that are using thermal spray technology in their production lines. Moreover, also Private research centres and non-commercial organizations such as Universities play an important role in this area. Most advanced R&D trends in the Italian market panorama will be summarized together with possible applications with respect to the actual state of the technology.