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Commercial/Industry Developments - 2
Location: Laughlin I (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: This session will highlight new developments in the thermal spray industry in the areas of equipment, materials, processes or applications. The presentations can be commercial in nature and can include a written manuscript or be oral only.

Session Chair:Mr. John Spahn St. Louis Metallizing , St. Louis , MO
10:30 AMEffect of Powder Characteristics on Properties of Warm-Sprayed WC-Co Coatings
10:50 AMNew Kinetic Metallization™ Equipment
11:10 AMCooling in thermal spraying - CO2 and it’s advantages
11:30 AMAxial Injection Plasma Spray Coatings Using Fine Powder Slurries and Liquid Solutions
11:50 AMShockwave Induced Spraying: A New Cost-Effective Solid-State Spraying Process