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Compared to traditional development methods, today’s accelerated product optimizations increasingly involve concurrent engineering. Product development targets need to be clearly defined very early in the development cycle, necessitating both close collaboration with airframers and an understanding of the design drivers; integrated product teams (IPTs) constitute an efficient way of thus focusing developments. In addition, the development process itself needs to be accelerated. A thorough theoretical understanding of property variations as a function of alloy composition and processing is a pre-requisite; methods such as computer-aided metallurgical modeling can be used both to formalize this understanding and to accelerate its application. They also enable rapid adaptation of products to the slight changes in technical target that invariably occur during the development phase of an aircraft. Finally, the industrialization and qualification requirements need to be considered at an early stage in the product development cycle.
This contribution will describe some recent alloy-temper optimizations for airframe applications, focusing on the property balances achieved but also on the background development methodology. Potential further tuning of such products will also be discussed.