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Wednesday, June 9, 2004 - 9:30 AM

Examination of Superplastic Forming Combined with Diffusion Bonding for Titanium

D. G. Sanders, The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA

Superplastic Forming (SPF) combined with Diffusion Bonding (DB) has been used successfully for the fabrication of titanium aerospace hardware. Many of these applications have been for military aircraft, whereby complex built-up structure has been replaced with monolithic parts. Several methods for applying the two and four sheet titanium SPF/DB process have been devised, including the welding of sheets prior to forming and the use of silkscreened stop-off (Yttria) to prevent bonding where it is undesirable. Very little progress has been made in the past few years to understand and model the SPF/DB process for applying constitutive equations and verification of data by laboratory testing. Concerns that designers face for fatigue life, acceptable design loads and damage tolerance are currently being studied. This paper is a summary of past work found in literature that will be a foundation for additional research topics.