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Tuesday, June 8, 2004 - 11:00 AM

Laser Shock Peening: Process Overview and Current Status

D. Larhman, R. D. Tenaglia, J. Dulaney, D. W. See, LSPT, Dublin, OH

Laser peening (also known as LaserPeen® processing ) is an innovative surface enhancement technology used to increase the resistance of aircraft gas turbine engine compressor and fan blades to foreign object damage (FOD) and to improve high cycle fatigue (HCF) life. Relatively high processing costs and low throughput previously limited widespread acceptance of laser peening for applications other than aircraft engines. Under the Air Force Manufacturing Technology Laser Peening Initiative, considerable progress has been made to decrease the cost and to increase the throughput of laser peening. The Air Force ManTech programs being conducted at LSP Technologies, Inc. are achieving the project goals of reducing the cost of laser peening by 50-75% and increasing processing throughput by six to nine times compared to earlier methods. As a result of several technical breakthroughs, laser peening for numerous industrial applications, such as metalworking tools and dies, is becoming feasible and economical. An overview of laser peening technology and the emergence of affordable laser peening is presented.