R. Goode, Battelle, Columbus, OH
Fundamental design data developed by the aerospace community in the post WWII era is rapidly becoming obsolete primarily due to research and development budget pressures. Design curves still in common use today may be more than 50 years of age in some cases, and thus may no longer reflect modern production methods and performance. Experimentally based data for newer, substitute materials are not being produced and disseminated as in the past. This condition has implications for both aging aircraft and new design applications. Lug design curves and fastener allowables for new systems and sheet combinations are examples of required design data that is no longer developed in a consistent, coordinated manner in the industry. A review of widely accepted and commonly available lug design curves for established materials is presented. Common assumptions for deriving design data for new materials based upon existing, vintage materials are described. Recommendations for areas of common interest and cooperation to develop needed design data for new, substitute materials are suggested.