R. A. Hafley, K. M. B. Taminger, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
The Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication (EBF3) process is a layer-additive technique for producing structural metal parts directly from CAD files. The process uses an electron beam as the heat source and wire feedstock. The efficiencies in power consumption, feedstock usage, and feedstock handling lend themselves to applications for fabrication and repair of structures in space, as well as on Earth and other non-terrestrial bodies. This presentation will focus on work being done at NASA Langley to develop the EBF3 process, specifically related to issues such as deposition rates, shape control, and programmability for typical aerospace alloys of aluminum and titanium. Process development and understanding will also be highlighted as an important basis for demonstrating the EBF3 process in a relevant, low-gravity environment.