M. Miermeister, Aleris Aluminum Koblenz GmbH, Koblenz, Germany; A. Heinz, CORUS Aluminum Rolled Products GmbH, Koblenz, Germany; I. Gheorghe, Alu Menziken Aerospace / UAC, Canton, GA
Summary: Corus Aluminium Rolled Products and Alu Menziken Aerospace have formed a technology alliance between the two companies. The two major independent players in their markets have joined their research and development efforts to further complement the synergies between the two companies. R&D efforts will focus on the aerospace
market, where the two companies will develop new design solutions using new materials and joining technologies to provide highly efficient aircraft structures. The research and development efforts will be complemented by various investments to
increase capabilities and capacity on both sides.
Corus Aluminium Rolled Products is a worldwide leading supplier of aluminium plate, sheet and coil to the aircraft, automotive and transportation market. The company has
rolling mills in Koblenz, Germany, in Duffel, Belgium and in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Canada and Corus has its corporate R&D laboratory (CRD & T) in IJmuiden, The Netherlands. Alu Menziken Aerospace is a global supplier of hard alloy extrusions to the aircraft market. The company has built a niche in the aircraft market by
specializing in the production of complex parts with extremely tight tolerances. The company has complete manufacturing facilities in Anaheim, California and Canton, Georgia. These facilities are complemented by a sister plant in Menziken, Switzerland, that services the European aircraft market.