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A Revolutionary Breakthrough in applied scientific research has changed forever the way we view Light, Heat, and Sound, and has implications in many areas of scientific research.
"Thermo-Dynamic Tuning"© is the process of specifically "Tuning" ceramic and other compounds to the specific frequency of light, heat, and sound to filter or block-out undesirables. Science in general has made enormous scientific gains over the last century in the areas of thermo-dynamics. Specifically, the use of ceramics for extreme temperature conditions has been known for some time and used in the space program since the 1960’s. Independent research over the last 60-years has identified many of the observed physical properties of most ceramic compounds. There are more than 8000 known ceramics and an infinite number of ceramic compounds known and developed over the last century. They are used in every phase of industry, aerospace, military, commercial, and consumer goods.
Over a Decade ago, a young man from Shawnee, Kansas {Mr. Joseph E. Pritchett, who has been described by some as a "Modern Day Lindbergh"}, was looking for a cost effective alternative to fiberglass batt insulation. He decided to research the area of ceramics used by NASA. He went to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Technology Utilization Office and eventually spoke with Mr. Ismail Akbay, Director of the Technology Utilization Office. Mr. Akbay gave him current NASA information on ceramics and guidance on how to find out more data. Over time, Mr. J. E. Pritchertt spoke with scientists across the USA, Europe, Japan, and much of the rest of the world.
Mr. Pritchertt began to categorize the observed and recorded physical properties of all the known ceramics and related these properties to the basic physical properties of "Light", "Heat" and "Sound". One of the common physical properties of Light, Heat, and Sound is that they are transmitted at various frequencies. When he overlapped the frequencies of selected ceramics with the frequencies of the light, heat, and sound that he wished to block he discovered a definite correlation.
Mr. Pritchertt’s discovery was that by varying the Mass, Size, Shape, and Quantity of selected ceramics, he could Tune the thermo-dynamics of the Ceramic compounds to block out the frequencies necessary to accomplish his goals. The Theory of "Thermo-Dynamic Tuning"© was born.
Since 1989, Mr. J. E. Pritchett has developed a large assortment of ceramic based "Thermo-Dynamic Coatings"© capable of blocking 99% of Infra-Red Light, 98.5% of Ultra Violet Light, and 92%+++ of Visible Light, as well as 68% of sound, However; the Thermo range of his coating were limited by the bonding agents. Mr. Pritchett’s recent discoveries in this area led to the shielding the bonding agents by the ceramics themselves and have allowed his coatings to be used from 360°F. to well over 5000°F.
Recent tests by the U. S. Navy confirmed that, of the more than 1000 coatings tested over a two year period produced by All the Major Manufacturers worldwide, ONLY Mr. Pritchett’s company, {Superior Products International II, Inc.}, produced a product {SP2001-F} that could pass even the First phase of their three phase testing. In Fact, It Was The Only One To Pass Phase I, or Phase II, or Phase III. Its performance Exceeded the Expectations of the Navy who repeated the tests many times, extending the temperature range from 1200°C to 2000° C and the product still did not fail.
Acoustical Tuning© !
Conventional thinking about sound abatement is geared to absorption of sound waves instead of eliminating them. Perhaps it’s because most materials designed and used for sound reduction are like fiberglass insulation. In the same way that fiberglass insulation absorbs heat and then allows it to pass through, so it absorbs sound only to let the noise pass through. Its time to shift the paradigm about sound abatement!
Acoustical Tuning© like Thermo-Dynamic Tuning© Stops sound by stopping the sound vibration continuance. With unique Thermo-Dynamically Tuned© ceramics having an ultra low density, sound waves are not allowed to continue through the ceramic materials. Acoustical Tuning© is absolutely consistent with the way that it works, whether dealing with sound or thermal issues. The 4 ceramic compounds in Acoustical Tuning© are designed to have as little density as possible, so that they do not and cannot load (absorb) sound or heat. There must be density for sound to be absorbed into a material or have (in the case of fiberglass) 90% air so that the sound can gather inside the fiberglass and slowly move through. Since Acoustically Tuning Ceramics© doesn’t have air pockets. Sound cannot load into Acoustically Tuning Ceramics©, nor migrate through it. Acoustically Tuning Ceramics© simply have such low density, that the sound wave cannot load the ceramics and cause them to vibrate. This prevents the sound energy passing through the assembly coated with Acoustically Tuning Ceramics©.
Because of the low density of Acoustically Tuning Ceramics©, the ceramics cannot
absorb sound waves! Nor can it be made to vibrate when sound vibration waves contact it. If
sound vibration waves cannot make the density in a substrate vibrate, then the sound vibration
wave cannot continue. The materials in an assembly must be allowed to vibrate for a sound
wave to continue through it. As with heat, the density of the ceramics is so low, the vibration
caused by the sound wave has nothing that it can enter into, thus reducing the continuance of the
noise being carried by the sound wave. If the sound wave cannot make the ceramics vibrate,
then the sound wave can not continue.