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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 3:30 PM

High Power Diode Lasers for Surface Preparation

F. A. Lancaster, LANCORP Advanced Systems Ind, Oakdale, PA

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The purpose of this paper is to show the capabilities developed out of two Navy (NAVAIR and ONR) Small Business Innovative Research Programs for the application of high power semi-conductor diode lasers (HPDL’s) for surface preparation of aircraft. The paper will show specific examples of coatings removal of epoxy and polyurethane coatings and appliqué coatings from aluminum skins, composite and fiberglass surfaces. Specific examples of test results of HPDL’s for surface preparation of aluminum, composite and fiberglass surfaces as found on Navy aircraft will be shown, such as radome coatings removal. Material tests and performance results specifically related to long term (5X) testing on 2024-T6 aluminum and composite panes will be presented. The processes and equipment, both portable and fixed will be described, as well as application to Navy uses and requirements both in new construction of aircraft as well as in the maintenance of active and aging aircraft. Environmental testing of the effluent/waste by products will be presented along with the economic, energy efficiency, environmental and performance advantages of HPD Laser technology for will also be described.