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Thursday, June 9, 2005 - 11:00 AM

Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies - A University/DoD/Industry Collaboration

R. L. Martin, Boeing, St. Louis, MO; M. C. Leu, University of Missouri - Rolla, Rolla, MO; J. Tiley, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson, AFB, OH; J. T. Morgan, Air Force Research Labs Materials & Manufacturing Technology Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH

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In 2004, the University of Missouri – Rolla (UMR) launched a major materials, processes, and manufacturing technology development initiative under the sponsorship and guidance of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Materials and Manufacturing Technology Directorate. The initiative is being conducted by UMR’s Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technology, with Boeing serving as the major industry subcontractor and co-sponsor for projects that are addressing critical near-term technology needs of Department of Defense aircraft and weapons systems. The strategic approach to project development, selection, and execution, is to address technology gaps that represent barriers to implementation of new product technologies that are being developed, and to identify and develop new materials, processes, and manufacturing technologies not being actively pursued by other industry/government research teams. All projects fall within one of ten following Thrusts areas: Composite Manufacturing, Electronic Material Processes, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Friction Stir Processing, Advanced Simulation, High Speed Machining, Abrasive Slurry Cutting, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, Laser Materials Processing, and Non-Chrome Coatings. This presentation will provide an overview of the various projects being conducted within these Thrust areas. Technology needs and steps being taken to address the needs will be described, as well as the specific aircraft application targets and implementation strategies being utilized by the various project teams. New project activities being initiated in 2005 will also be highlighted.