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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 1:30 PM

Laser Deposition of Boron-Modified Titanium Alloys

C. A. Brice, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Fort Worth, TX; T. A. Wallace, R. A. Hafley, K. M. Taminger, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA

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Boron additions to titanium alloys have been shown to improve mechanical properties by forming a fine distribution of titanium boride particles that pin and impede defect motion. Conventional methods for producing these materials result in relatively coarse microstructures with modest property improvements. However, direct fabrication methods that utilize rapid solidification have been shown to improve the homogeneity of boron-modified titanium structures while refining the particulate size. These refinements in the microstructure result in improved mechanical properties. Microstructural analysis and mechanical test results from laser deposition trials of various titanium alloys will be discussed in this presentation.