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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 11:00 AM

Case Studies of Fatigue Life Improvement Using Low Plasticity Burnishing in Gas Turbine Engine Applications

P. S. Prevey, N. Jayaraman, Lambda Technologies, Cincinnati, OH; M. Shepard, Wright Patterson AFB, WPAFB, OH; R. Ravindranath, NAVAIR, Patuxent River, MD; T. Gabb, NASA, Cleveland, OH

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Surface enhancement technologies such as shot peening, laser shock peening (LSP), and low plasticity burnishing (LPB) can provide substantial fatigue life improvement. However, to be effective, the compressive residual stresses that increase fatigue strength must be retained in service. For successful integration into turbine design, the process must be affordable and compatible with the manufacturing environment. LPB provides high magnitude deep thermally stable compression, and is performed on CNC machine tools. LPB provides a means to extend the fatigue lives of both new and legacy aircraft engine and airframe components. Improving fatigue performance by introducing deep stable layers of compressive residual stress avoids the generally prohibitive cost of modifying either material or design.

The LPB process, tooling, and control systems are described, including recent developments in process monitoring for quality control. An overview of current research programs conducted to apply LPB to a variety of engine and aircraft components are presented. Fatigue performance and residual stress data developed to date for several case studies are presented including:

Where appropriate, the performance of LPB is compared to conventional shot peening after exposure to engine operating temperatures.