R. S. Mishra, V. Dixit, University of Missouri – Rolla, Rolla, MO; D. R. Bolser, R. J. Lederich, R. Talwar, Advanced Manufacturing R&D, Boeing – Phantom Works, St. Louis, MO; D. L. Ballard, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Summary: Friction stir welding (FSW) is well suited for high strength aluminum alloys. In this study, correlations among processing parameters and mechanical properties have been established in the as FSW and FSW + aged conditions for 2024 T-8 aluminum alloy. Various processing parameters (tool rotation speed and traverse speed) were used and resultant temperature, microstructure and tensile properties were evaluated. Data generated was used to determine various correlations among processing parameters, microstructure and tensile properties. Surface thermal profile from an infrared video camera was used to study the heat transfer correlations. A critical examination of available analytical and phenomenological models was done and theoretical predictions are compared with experimental results. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Air Force Research Laboratory through contract no. FA8650-04-C-704 (Dr. Jaimie S. Tiley, Program Manager).