A. Soylemezoglu, C. Saygin, J. Birt, J. Sarangapani, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO; D. Trimble, C. Rouse, The Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO
Summary: The advent of Auto-ID (Automatic Identification) technology has enabled electronic
labeling and wireless identification of objects, which facilitates real-time product visibility and
accurate inventory tracking at all levels of the product life cycle. From supply chain level
business processes to shop floor level manufacturing execution, this technology presents many
opportunities for process improvement and re-engineering. On the other hand, it also presents
many challenges due to lack of standards and roadmaps to transform Auto-ID technologies into
Auto-ID solutions.
A tagged object can generate event and state data, which is defined as product visibility,
at many different points in a value chain. Such event and state data can be used for efficient
manufacturing process and system control, accurate tracking and routing of parts, inventory and
rework reduction, product monitoring and maintenance, and improving worker safety.
Auto-ID technologies are proliferating throughout industry. From traditional barcodes to
RFID tags, there are a variety of technologies available on the market for internal asset and
product tracking. Due to the complexity of products in the aerospace industry, Auto-ID
technologies seem to be very promising, which puts the sector under immense pressure to keep up
with the rapid developments in these technologies, adding to the challenges they already face
with the growing number of standards and regulations governing the sector. The biggest
challenge is trying to establish new technology standards and make them harmonize with the
already crowded standards in this field. In this work, various applications of Auto-ID
technologies in aerospace manufacturing are discussed with potential benefits and challenges
being highlighted under each application area.