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Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 11:00 AM

Large Panel Testing of Lower Wing Concepts for Improved Performance and Cost - Progress towards the Alcoa Vision

M. Kulak, Alcoa, Inc., Alcoa Center, PA

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Alcoa anticipates that through the combination of advanced alloys, novel design and innovative manufacturing methods both the cost and weight of future aircraft structure can be significantly reduced compared to the current built-up structure of today. Based on internal trade studies, Alcoa has undertaken an internal research and development program to demonstrate the potential performance improvements capable for wing structure through advanced alloys and design concepts. Panel concepts were identified based on the ability to improve performance and reduce cost. The program culminates this year in the testing of large articles representing advanced panel concepts. The testing includes fatigue crack growth under spectrum and residual strength. This presentation will include an overview of the testing program, test articles, advanced wing cover concepts and potential performance benefits and weight savings in wing panel structures. Panel concepts include advanced traditional and aluminum-lithium alloys, as well as the application of advanced fiber metal laminates for selective reinforcement and friction stir welded integral panels as a means to reduce cost. Results of the panel tests will also be shared.