D. Zumbo, K. Baczuk, Barnes Aerospace, Ogden, UT
Summary: Barnes Aerospace, a $60 million company, has been involved with SPF since 1969. Barnes has been a key contributor to the development of SPF since the beginnings of this technology and is dedicated to remaining a leader in the industry..
This paper will discuss some of the challenges faced and accomplishments made over the years in the development of SPF. The main focus of this paper will be on recent developments on several interesting SPF parts and assemblies at Barnes Aerospace Advanced Fabrication in Ogden, Utah. It will include photos and illustrations to discuss the challenges faced in developing these SPF details and assemblies
Recent SPF activities to be covered:
- A family of large, 2.5 ft. x 8 ft. titanium, engine access door parts
- Large and small exhaust duct assemblies with several SPF detail parts
- Large aft pylon fairing assembly which includes several hot formed and SPF detail parts.