R. J. Rioja, Alcoa, Inc., Alcoa Center, PA; L. Oswald, G. Venema, D. J. Chakrabarti, R. Ramage, J. Witters, Alcoa, Inc, Alcoa Center, PA; P. Magnusen, Alcoa Incorporated, Alcoa Center, PA
Summary: The status of temper, AMS and MMPDS-5 registration is covered for several new flat rolled products under development at Alcoa. 2397-T87, 7085-T7451 plate products are discussed first. Timing for AMS and MMPDS-5 registrations are presented. The status of 2099 plate is then discussed. Here timing for temper registration is discussed. Finally, the status of development for C47A sheet products is presented. It is shown how these products can provide weight savings in fuselage applications.