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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 9:00 AM

Production Laser Peening of Aerospace Metals

L. Hackel, Metal Improvement Co., LLC, Livermore, CA; J. Rankin, C. B. Dane, F. Harris, Metal Improvement Company, Livermore, CA; T. Zaleski, C. Truong, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA

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Laser Peening technology has matured into a fully qualified production process that is now in routine and reliable use for aerospace metal alloys. The technology is capable of extending the fatigue life and stress corrosion cracking life of components, and will enable designers to consider higher stress levels in certain life limited designs. Engineered residual compressive stress has been strategically applied by Metal Improvement Company to critical component areas in the processing of over 10,000 wide cord fan blades and blade hubs for operation in high performance jet engines. The process facilities have been FAA/JAA certified or ISO 9001 approved. A broad range of materials are in production or development, including but not limited to Ti 6/4 (alpha and beta and BSTOA), 300M and 9310 steels, Al 7050, and Al 2023. Enhancement to the life of components with complex geometries and welds has been demonstrated. The processing capability is being extended with the introduction of a transportable laser peening system and a system with a moveable beam that can treat very large or heavy components. Authors will describe the system and present processed materials performance data.