W. Marsden, Granta Design Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom
CAD and FE systems for design and analytical engineers are mature technologies. Materials scientists are stuck using Excel and Access. This situation cannot continue forever - after many years of development, a new system has been launched which fills this gap. ASM International liked it so much, they bought the company (or part of it).
This long and complex project benefited from the support, advice and guidance of the elite of materials engineering. ASM International played a pivotal role, calling on these experts and assisting their participation by forming a consortium under the chairmanship of Dr. Steven Arnold of the Life Prediction Branch, NASA Glenn Research Center. The membership of the consortium covered:
- Government and government backed organizations in space, defense and energy,
- Commercial organizations in aerospace propulsion systems
- Commercial aerospace materials test houses and metallurgy consulting specialists,
- Aerospace materials suppliers, and
- Developers of aerospace reference quality materials information.
This consortium of experts defined the system and reviewed the outcome at each step along the way with a view to using the system to manage their own in-house data. The result fits seamlessly into the workflow of modern engineering organizations.
This talk focuses on the fundamental elementary assumptions of the system and its operation. These directly effect its ability to:
- Increase data quality,
- Implement high standards of data traceability,
- Control access to data and tools for different user groups and types, and
- Effect significant efficiency gains in the handling and manipulation of materials data.
For the wider organization, this:
- Provides a single consistent and qualified source of materials data for all engineers,
- Supports consistency,
- Improves productivity, and
- Reduces lead times for innovative practices.
Technologies to support you make an impact on the engineering efficiency of your organization.