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Session 1: High Temperature Materials I
Location: Oceans Ballroom 4 (Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: The High Temperature Materials program consists of three sessions. The first session deals with nickel based superalloys - advances in processing and performance improvements. The primary focus is on 718Plus (tm) and Inco 718. One presentation also provides an update on the Metals Affordability Initiative Superalloy additive manufacturing project.

Session Chair:Mr. J. R. Groh General Electric Aircraft Engines, Evandale, OH
8:30 AMPhysical Metallurgy of a New Ni-Base Superalloy Allvac® 718PlusTM
9:00 AMApplications Development of Allvac® 718Plus™
9:30 AMMetals Affordability Initiative: Application of Allvac Alloy 718Plus (tm) for Aircraft Engine Static Structural Components
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMLow Cycle Fatigue and Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behavior of Inconel 718 Superalloy
11:00 AMMechanical Properties of Counter-Gravity Cast IN718
11:30 AMAdditive Manufacturing for Superalloys - Producibility and Cost Validation