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Session 3: NDI Methods for Materials Characterization in Metal Alloys
Location: Coral A (Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description:

Session Chair:Dr. Mark P. Blodgett US Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
8:30 AMNondestructive Residual Stress Measurement Methods for Engine Rotor Life Extension
9:00 AMCharacterization of Surface-Treated Nickel-base Superalloys by Nanoindentation
9:30 AMCharacterization of Residual Stress in Titanium using High-Frequency Alternating-Current Potential-Drop (ACPD) Measurements
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMEddy Current Assessment of Near-Surface Residual Stress in Shot-Peened Inhomogeneous Nickel-Base Superalloys
11:00 AMNondestructive Inspection for Thick, Multi-Layer Structures Without Fastener Removal