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Session 3: Satellite and Launch Vehicle Fabrication II
Location: Coral C (Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: Due to the high cost of access to space, lightweight materials and processing of these materials is critical for space structure applications. In addition, space structures must also be capable of withstanding launch loads and extreme thermal excursions. This session will highlight materials and processes for a variety of different space structures, from launch vehicles to large orbiting platforms to scientific satellites. Topics will include material properties at cryogenic temperatures on modified alloys for launch vehicle cryotanks, materials and processes for deployable, erectable, and fabricable structures on orbit, and emerging materials and manufacturing processes for satellite design and fabrication.

Session Chair:Mr. Robert A. Hafley NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
8:30 AMSyntactic Titanium Foam
9:00 AMThe Effect of Base Substrate Configuration on Build Heat Losses During Laser Metal Deposition
9:30 AMElectron Beam Free Forming of AlBe Alloys
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMFeedforward Process Planning for a Laser Powder Deposition Process
11:00 AMApplications of Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication for Aerospace Structures
11:30 AMThe Development of Plasma Transferred Arc Solid Free Form Fabrication as a Cost Effective Production Methodology for Metal and Composite Structures