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Wednesday, June 27, 2007 - 11:30 AM

Replacing Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant Inspections With High Resolution MWM-Array Eddy Current Imaging

V. Zilberstein, JENTEK Sensors, Inc., Waltham, MA; D. J. Cammett, N. J. Goldfine, A. Washabaugh, M. Windoloski, Jentek Sensors, Inc., Waltham, MA


This paper describes advances in the implementation of high resolution imaging with MWM-Array eddy current sensors as a direct replacement for Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI) for critical components.  Demonstrated results are provided for engine components, landing gear components, tubing and piping. In one example, for engine disk slot inspection, the MWM-Array eddy current method has demonstrated improved performance in comparison with LPI and conventional eddy-current testing (ET).  Over 3000 slots in titanium alloy engine disks have been inspected with zero false indications. Several cracks have been detected, all of which were missed by conventional ET and LPI, and all verified destructively or by other means.  A comparison is also provided between MPI results and MWM-Array imaging for a steel component, illustrating clear advantages not only in performance but also in ease-of-use and digital data storage.  Also, the MWM-Array can provide reliable inspection of surfaces typically not accessible for MPI or LPI inspection, such as high length-to-diameter ratio holes and tubing inside diameter surfaces. This paper also describes MWM-Array technology and results of specific examples for titanium, and aluminum alloys as well as steel surfaces and components.

Summary: This paper describes advances in the implementation of high resolution imaging with MWM-Array eddy current sensors as a direct replacement for Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI) for critical components. Demonstrated results are provided for engine components, landing gear components, tubing and piping.