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Wednesday, June 27, 2007 - 4:00 PM

A Status Report on Ni Superalloy EBD with Microstructural Control

B. H. Walker, R. M. Walker, Keystone Synergistic Enterprises, Inc., Port St. Lucie, FL

Metal deposition using powder or wire feed with various types of heating sources has been under development for several years. However, several issues remain that prevent wide spread utilization of the process for additive and direct manufacturing of components; quality, cost, and reproducibility. This presentation will give the status of an on-going project utilizing wire feed, electron beam deposition to affordably produce nickel superalloy components with microstructural control and aerospace quality. Empirical results correlating process parameters with material macro/micro structure, quality and mechanical properties will be presented. Process affordability metrics and sensitivities will also be discussed. Efforts to transition this capability to a state of production readiness and the launching of a new business partnership to offer the aerospace industry electron beam metal deposition services will be reviewed.

Summary: Metal deposition using powder or wire feed with various types of heating sources has been under development for several years. However, several issues remain that prevent wide spread utilization of the process for additive and direct manufacturing of components; quality, cost, and reproducibility. This presentation will give the status of an on-going project utilizing wire feed, electron beam deposition to affordably produce nickel superalloy components with microstructural control and aerospace quality. Empirical results correlating process parameters with material macro/micro structure, quality and mechanical properties will be presented. Process affordability metrics and sensitivities will also be discussed. Efforts to transition this capability to a state of production readiness and the launching of a new business partnership to offer the aerospace industry electron beam metal deposition services will be reviewed.