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Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - 11:30 AM

Advances in Thin Film Technology for High Temperature Condition Based Maintenance Sensor Applications

M. Pereira da Cunha, R. Lad, T. Moonlight, G. Bernhardt, D. Frankel, University of Maine, Orono, ME

Summary: The Air Force has an immediate need for powerful, multitask sensor arrays capable of sensing physical properties such as temperature, pressure, gaseous corrosion, strain, and vibration on critical components of aerospace vehicles in harsh environments. These in situ measurements on components such as turbine blades, rotors, and other active parts operating at temperatures up to 1200„aC and pressures below and above atmospheric pressure are needed to indicate the diagnostics (present condition) and prognostics (future condition) of these components. This work reports on advances made towards the fabrication of surface acoustic wave devices and related thin film technology to operate in such harsh conditions.