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Session 1: Phase Equilibria and Microstructure Modeling
Location: Room 349 (Baltimore Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: Modeling tools that provide information about phase transformations and kinetics of transformation reactions are critical for computational materials design and engineering. This session includes talks on the development and application of thermodynamic and kinetic-based models.

Session Chair:Dr. David U. Furrer Roll-Royce Corporation, Indianapolis, IN
8:30 AMThe Role of Industry-University Collaboration in Aerospace Materials Research
9:00 AMProperties of Individual Phases by First-Principles Calculations and CALPHAD Modeling
9:30 AMApplication of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling to Diffusion Simulations in Nickel-Base Superalloy Systems
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMCalculating Diffusion Coefficients via a First-Principles Approach
11:00 AMPartition Behavior of Nb in the Ni-Cr-Fe-Nb Alloy System
11:30 AMApplication of Phase Diagram Calculation to Aerospace Materials