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Session 4: Additive Manufacturing Process Modeling and Simulation
Location: Room 349 (Baltimore Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: Additive manufacturing methods are being persued as methods for rapid and efficient component manufacture and repair. Analytical tools to support the design, optimization and control of these processes are being developed along with many new techniques. This session will cover recent efforts to develop and implement modeling and simulation tools for additive manufacturing processes.

Session Chair:Dr. K. M. Taminger NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
1:30 PMSuggestions on Metal Deposition Process Simulation From a Practitioners Perspective
2:00 PMDesign and Optimization of Structures Using Additive Manufacturing Processes
2:30 PMFinite Element Models for the Electron Beam Freeform
3:00 PMBreak
3:30 PMModeling of Distortion and Residual Stress Control in Unitized 2219 Aluminum Stiffened Structure Produced by Electron Beam Free Form Fabrication
4:00 PMModeling Net-Shape Spray Forming of Ni Superalloys
4:30 PMMultiscale Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Microstructure Evolution during Laser Deposition
5:00 PMIntegrated Computational Materials Design