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Session 5: Application of Modeling and Simulation to Component Design and Performance Assessment
Location: Room 349 (Baltimore Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: Materials and process modeling tools are being utilzed for component design optimization. Additionally, analytical tools are being utilized for assessment of material and component interaction with non-destructive evaluation techniques. This session will include talks on recent efforts to integrate modeling and simulation tools with component design and integrity assessments.

Session Chair:Mr. Ravi Shankar Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation, Columbus, OH
8:30 AMMaterials Modeling and Simulation—A Game Changing Technology for Propulsion Materials Development
9:00 AMProabilistic Property Prediction of Ultra High Strength Corrosion-Resistant Steel
9:30 AMDevelopment and Application of Computer Simulations of NDE for Flaw Detection
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMRecent Advances in Model-Assisted Probability of Detection
11:00 AMRecent NDE Modeling Developments for Metallic Aerospace Components
11:30 AMModels for the Interaction of Ultrasound with Microstructure