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Session 6: Application of Modeling and Simulation to Component Design
Location: Room 349 (Baltimore Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: Materials and process modeling and simulation tools are being developed to allow prediction of various aspects of component design, including microstructure, mechanical properties, application performance, failure modes and costs. This session will include talks that support various aspects of holistic component design.

Session Chair:Mr. Paul Mason Thermo-Calc Software Inc, McMurray, PA
1:30 PMKey Accomplishments of the P&W DARPA AIM Program and Implications for Transformation of the Materials Discipline
2:00 PMDevelopment of an Accelerated Insertion of Materials (AIM) System for an Aluminum Extrusion
2:30 PMAccelerating the Development of the Next Generation of High Temperature Metals
3:00 PMBreak
3:30 PMEPICUR - Development of TiMMC Components
4:00 PMPhysics of Failure Models for Electronic Systems Sustainment
4:30 PMSoftware for Managing Large Multiphase Material Data Sets
5:00 PMModeling the Impact of Life Cycle Cost and Performance When Implementing New Materials