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Titanium processing - Direct Titanium Manufacturing
Location: Meeting Room 17AB (Austin Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: This session will provide information on the latest technologies used to reduce the buy to fly ratio of titanium components. These technologies will reduce the cost and lead times for titanium components, and reduce the titanium requirements and thus shortages. State-of-the art advancements and discussions of direct manufacturing techniques such as electron beam freeform fabrication will be the focus of this session.

Session Chair:Karen M. B. Taminger NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
8:30 AMElectron Beam Freeform Fabrication Alliance to Reduce Buy-to-Fly Ratios for Titanium Components
9:00 AMThe Approach to Solving the EBFFF Aluminum Loss Issue by Operating at Higher Chamber Pressures
9:30 AMMicrostructural and Microanalytical Study of the Effect of Processing Parameters on the Al Loss and Deposition Efficiency of EBF3 Ti-6Al-4V Alloys
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMCharacterization of Electron Beam Free Form Fabrication Systems Using Enhanced Beam Diagnostics
11:00 AMMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Components Fabricated by Shaped Metal Deposition
11:30 AMDetermining Melt Pool Temperature in Ti-6-4 Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication Deposition
12:00 PMPlasma Transferred Arc Rapid Additive Manufacturing