HTA2.1 Effect of Thermo-Mechanical Processes On ATI718 Plus Contoured Rings

Tuesday, June 22, 2010: 8:00 AM
402 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Octavio Covarrubias , Frisa Aerospace SA de CV, Santa Catarina, Mexico
ATI 718plus® is a nickel-base superalloy designed to promote excellent resistance and thermal stability at elevated temperatures. Beside these properties, this material presents superior formability during forging operations, making ATI 718plus® a suitable material for the manufacture of non-rotating and rotating jet engine components.
Ring rolling process for the production of seamless rings is the natural option for the manufacture of superior aerospace components, increasing material resistance and reducing input weight. Use of contoured shapes on such components simplifies and improves manufacturing processes, reducing machining touch time and, in some cases, eliminating welding operations.
Present document summarizes main results when several contoured rings are produced by ring-rolling processes, considering parameters as temperature and deformation ratios. Effect of solution and hardening precipitation heat treatments on ATI 718plus® microstructure and mechanical properties are also reported. These results include tensile testing at room temperature and elevated temperature, hardness and stress-rupture testing. Microstructural evaluations were performed by optical microscopy and electronic microscopy.