LMM1.4 Aluminum MComP a Lightweight High Stifness Alternative to AlBeMet

Monday, June 21, 2010: 9:30 AM
408 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Brian Doud , Powdermet Inc., Euclid, OH
Al-MComPTM is a metal matrix composite that is created using powder metallurgical techniques combining Aluminum with two other lightweight and high specific stiffness metals Boron, and Lithium at the nano level. The combination of these lightweight (Lithium 0.5g/cc) and high modulus (boron E=400GPa) reinforcements allow Powdermet to greatly exceed standard aluminum properties by nanoengineering processes and still retain the weight savings that the additional lithium gives the alloy. These powder metal parts are mechanically alloyed caned and then consolidated to 80% density. Final consolidation is performed using extrusion, rolling and quasi Isostatic Forging to produce the final shape and density (2.5g/cc). The Final parts can be annealed or aged utilize the lithium phases that stiffen the matrix relieve stress and are available in rod, Bar, Tube Plate sheet and some near net, and net shape parts. Although properties vary slightly from various processing routes properties shown here will compare AM162 to Al-MComPTM in its Extruded form.