LMM1.2 The Development of An Aluminium Nano Composite for Replacing Aluminium and Titanium Alloys In Aerospace Applications

Monday, May 23, 2011: 9:00 AM
Room 301 (Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center)
Mr. Andrew Tarrant , Aerospace Metal Composites Ltd., Farnborough, United Kingdom
Dr. Jonathan R. Silk , Aerospace Metal Composites Ltd., Farnborough, United Kingdom
The presentation will summarise the mechanical properties and microstructure of an Aluminium Nano Composite material, loaded with up to 25% ceramic particulate. Test data will demonstrate that the material exhibits strength levels exceeding those of conventional high strength aluminium alloys, whilst also offering high stiffness and fatigue resistance that are typical of metal matrix composite materials. Other material characteristics will be reviewed to establish the potential for cost-effective manufacturing through the use of conventional machining technology and secondary processing techniques, such as extrusion and forging. Grain structural characterisation by Focussed Ion Beam Microscopy will be reported and contrasted with other metal matrix composite materials.