The Role of Professional Societies in Supporting Materials and Manufacturing Innovations

Wednesday, June 20, 2012: 3:30 PM
218AB (Charlotte Convention Center)
Mr. Scott Henry , ASM International, Novelty, OH
Warren Hunt , The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, penn, PA
George Spanos , The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, Penn, PA
Representatives from ASM and TMS will review how they are responding to the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, the Materials Genome Initiative, and similar programs that are dramatically changing the information, education, collaboration, and networking needs of their membership and the broader communities and industries they represent. Increased collaboration and cooperation will be essential to meet the goals of these initiatives, and the societies will describe how they are working together and fostering teamwork among industry, academia, and government groups to accelerate materials and manufacturing innovation. Initiatives to be discussed include Materials Innovation@TMS programs supporting accelerated discovery, development, deployment, and manufacturing of materials and the recently announced ASM Center for Computational Materials Science and Engineering Data. Particular emphasis will be given to projects related to aerospace structural materials