Cu-Al-Ni Single Crystalline Shape Memory Alloys (SCSMA). Properties and Prospective for Application

Wednesday, April 3, 2013: 9:30 AM
409 (Meydenbauer Center)
Dr. Valery Martynov , TiNi Aerospace,Inc., San Rafael, CA
Crystal grower designed and built in the Company allows manufacturing of Single Crystals of Shape Memory Alloys (SCSMA) up to 0.5 inch in diameter and ~6 feet long. By changing composition of Cu-Al-based alloy, transformation intervals of SCSMA could be easy adjusted from -200o C to +200o C. SCSMA are open a new prospective in SMA applications. Mechanical strength of SCSMA is comparable to TiNi SMA while recoverable deformation is up to 9% as compare to 3-4% for TiNi alloys. Devices incorporating SCSMA designed and manufactured.