Microstructural Aspects for H-282 Contoured Seamless Rings

Tuesday, April 2, 2013: 8:30 AM
408 (Meydenbauer Center)
Dr. Octavio Covarrubias , Frisa Forjados SA de CV, Santa Catarina, Mexico
High temperature environments require the use of materials able to withstand such demanding conditions. Evaluation of metallic alloys as H-282 is necessary for proposal of alternative materials in the fabrication of structural and rotary metallic components used in jet-engines. Haynes H-282 alloy is a Ni-Cr-Co superalloy strengthened by gamma-prime precipitation and developed for high temperature applications. As continuation of previous research, this paper is focused on the fabrication of several contoured seamless rings by ring-rolling. Segments extracted from produced seamless rings were exposed to selected heat treating conditions in order to promote microstructural changes and evaluate metallurgical properties by tensile and stress-rupture testing. Microstructural characteristics are estimated by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Effect of thermo-mechanical processing in microstructure and properties is reported to propose optimal conditions for H-282 ring rolling and heat treating.