Developing Structural Materials Using Lunar Soils

Tuesday, April 2, 2013: 3:30 PM
407 (Meydenbauer Center)
Prof. Yu Qiao , University of California, San Diego, la Jolla, CA
A long-term goal of returning to the Moon is to stay there, for which small-scale outposts and large-scale bases, as well as massive and bulky structural components of research/exploration facilities and equipment such as space telescopes and power plants, must be constructed on the lunar surface. Theoretically, it is possible that as lunar dusts of different chemical compositions are appropriately processed through complicated and energy-consuming combustion and curing procedures, “lunar cements”, materials that can react with water or other liquids to form load-bearing components, can be obtained. However, the water or reactive chemicals necessary for the cementing process is about 30-40 wt%, and the so-developed materials may not survive the challenging space environment.

Recently, we developed a novel, high-performance polymer “lunar cement” (PLC). In a PLC, the binder is not formed through hydration, but is a small amount of reinforced polymer interphase, employed to hold together the inorganic particles, e.g. lunar soil simulant grains. The polymer interphase is the only component that needs to be prepared on and transported from the Earth, and its content is lower than 5-10 wt%. Surface treatment techniques for polymer chains and/or organic groups are also under investigation.

The PLC works reliably in a wide temperature range from -200 to 150 C. Its radiation resistance, air and water proofness, and structural integrity under adverse conditions such as in a prolonged moonquake, is being evaluated.

The PLC technology may also be extended to soils on other planets and/or planetary satellites. Once fully developed, it may open a new direction for lunar/space exploration and research.