An Introduction to Kaiser AA7099 Aerospace Plate

Tuesday, April 2, 2013: 3:00 PM
402 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Roy Nash , Kaiser Aluminum, Spokane, WA
Kaiser Aluminum has developed a new high strength and damage tolerant thick plate alloy AA7099 to meet the needs of today’s current aircraft designs.   The Aircraft design environment demands higher performance plate materials for use in machined part applications such as wing spars, wing ribs, fuselage floors, and fuselage frames.   AA7099 can be used both as a drop in replacement in current and derivative designs as well as in future aircraft structure especially where significant light weighting over 7050 plate is required    The alloy has been developed in both a higher strength T7651 version and a more SCC resistant T7451 to allow aircraft designers a choice in addressing different design criteria within the various aerostructures.  This presentation will speak to the metallurgical aspects as well as present the current material performance of this high strength aluminum alloy.