Laser-Based Surface Preparation of F-35 Composites

Thursday, April 4, 2013: 9:30 AM
403 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Robert L. Cargill , General Lasertronics Corporation, San Jose, CA
This paper describes development work performed under Air Force Research Laboratory SBIR Topic Number AF121-120, entitled “Surface Preparation of Organic Matrix Composites (OMCs) for Structural Adhesive Bonding”.  The principal objective of this project is to develop a laser-based process that can prepare OMC surfaces for structural adhesive bonding that can be performed at atmospheric conditions.  The principal objective of this project is to develop a process that can rapidly perform automated surface preparation that will result in repeatable process outcomes with almost zero waste stream and minimal environmental impact. This paper will review measurements of adhesive bond properties that result from variations in laser process parameters.  These latter tests will primarily focus on Double Cantilever Beam (ASTM 5528) tests to characterize bond quality and the repeatability metrics of the process outcome.