Ti-6Al-4V Electron Beam Direct Mfg of Space Structures

Thursday, April 4, 2013: 8:30 AM
405 (Meydenbauer Center)
Dr. Zach Loftus , Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Littleton, CO
Slade Gardner , Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Palo Alto, CA
Scott Heise , Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Palo Alto, CA
Brian T. Rosenberger , Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Fort Worth, TX
Bob Salo , Sciaky, Inc., Chicago, IL
Scott Stecker , Sciaky, Inc., Chicago, IL
Electron Beam Direct Manufacturing techniques have affordability and delivery schedule advantages for space structure hardware.  Standard grade Ti-6Al-4V is evaluated using two post-fabrication heat treatments:  the first per AMS 4999 and the second a simple stress relief.  Mechanical properties are presented including strength, fatigue, and fracture toughness.  Chemistry and metallography are discussed for correlation to mechanical properties.  A large demonstration of a 7.5-ft diameter prototype is showcased as well as a demonstration of propulsion tank dome.