Impact of Microstructure On Oxidation in Titanium Alloys
Impact of Microstructure On Oxidation in Titanium Alloys
Tuesday, April 2, 2013: 2:00 PM
406 (Meydenbauer Center)
The impacts of microstructure and texture on the ingress of oxygen were studied with Ti-6242S and Ti-64. Titanium samples were solutionized and heated to produce equiaxed and colony microstructures, followed by oxidation tests in air. Oxygen ingress was measured using etched optical images, EMPA, and SEI techniques as functions of c and a alpha lath orientations. In addition, hardness measurements at different depths, corresponding to alpha orientations, were obtained and compared to estimate mechanical properties. Results, including identification of phases that formed during oxidation, will be presented for both alloys and both microstructure conditions.