Stress Corrosion Cracking Threshold of Ti 6Al-4V Extrusions

Thursday, April 4, 2013: 9:00 AM
406 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Robert Briggs , The Boeing Company, AUBURN, WA
Stress Corrosion Threshold of Ti 6-4 Extrusions

The stress corrosion cracking threshold (Kiscc) of Ti 6Al-4V extrusions is examined. Ti 6Al-4V extrusions with standard chemistry and extra low interstitial are evaluated for their stress corrosion cracking resistance.  Also examined is the affect of the cooling rate from the annealing temperature on the stress corrosion cracking threshold.  The affect of the stress corrosion cracking threshold due to the chemistry and the cooling rate on Kiscc are measured and a mechanism for changes in stress corrosion cracking is proposed with supporting analysis using scanning electron microscopy of the facture surface and X-ray diffraction analysis order phase included.