Alternate Title: Selection Criteria for Electron Beam Direct Manufacturing (EBDM) Components

Thursday, April 4, 2013: 9:00 AM
405 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Bob Salo , Sciaky, Inc., Chicago, IL
Scott Stecker , Sciaky, Inc., Chicago, IL
Sciaky’s EBDM (electron beam direct manufacturing) technology is a high deposition rate large-scale, fully-programmable process that produces near-net shape metallic parts.  This additive manufacturing (AM) method utilizes Sciaky's state-of-the art electron beam welding technology coupled with our Closed Loop Control to produce high quality production parts and functional prototypes.  This presentation will highlight the latest technology enhancements developed to optimize the EBDM process and minimize operator intervention from the production of large scale titanium alloy aerospace structures.

Starting with a 3D CAD model, Sciaky's moving electron beam gun is programmed via CNC code to accurately deposit metal in a layer by layer manner forming a near-net shaped preform.  The preform can then be machined into a part matching the original model.  As versatile as this technology may be, the process will not be the best choice for production of all components.  Our presentation will review the characteristics that distinguish those parts that make the best candidates for this additive manufacturing process.  We will provide guidelines describing the advantages of various materials, geometries, lead time, tooling, lead time, etc. that we use in determining whether or not to apply EBDM to produce the part.  With this basic knowledge, design and manufacturing engineers can take full advantage of EBDM’s cost and lead time driven benefits by selecting this process when it makes the most sense for manufacturing their parts.  As a primary example, Sciaky has been working with Lockheed Martin to implement EBDM technology on the F-35 Program as part of their affordability initiative.