Evolution of Stresses in Wear Resistant Thermal Sprayed Coatings

Thursday, April 4, 2013: 3:05 PM
404 (Meydenbauer Center)
Dr. Arash Ghabchi , The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA
Alan Thompson , The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA
Mr. Marc Froning , The Boeing CompanyEO&T/BR&T Thermal Spray Technology, Seattle, WA
The coatings stress state is one of the critical parameters affecting the durability and performance of wear resistant thermally sprayed components. Due to the complex nature of thermal sprayed coatings process, understanding the coating formation and associated stresses is a nontrivial task. In this study, build up of WC-CoCr coating during the deposition process was monitored in real time using a non-contact curvature measurement device.  The in-flight particle state was evaluated using process diagnostic tools and a correlation between process variables and in-flight particles state was established. Effects of combustion process variables and robot parameters on the stresses were studied.