Magnesium Alloys in Aerospace

Tuesday, April 2, 2013: 9:00 AM
409 (Meydenbauer Center)
Dr. Norbert Hort , MagIC – Magnesium Innovation Centre, Geesthacht, Germany
Dr. Hajo Dieringa , MagIC – Magnesium Innovation Centre, Geesthacht, Germany
Mr. Karl Ulrich Kainer , MagIC – Magnesium Innovation Centre, Geesthacht, Germany
First magnesium alloy aerospace applications have been shown already 1909 in Frankfurt, Germany, at the first “Internationale Luftschiffahrt Ausstellung”, the first international aerospace exhibition. Since this time magnesium alloys have been widely used mainly in defense applications until today. Even in civil aircrafts magnesium alloys are in use, but limited only to very few applications. This contribution will give an overview on the state of the art in the use of magnesium alloys in civil and military aircraft and its property profile. Concepts for extension the potential of advanced magnesium alloys for future applications are discussed. It will be shown, that with respect to mechanical properties magnesium alloys can already compete with aluminium alloys and in the same degree with steels. The presentation will also report on past and running projects where aerospace applications are addressed and how threats like the corrosion behaviour and especially flammability can be handled.
See more of: Magnesium Alloys - I
See more of: Magnesium Alloys