Update on Aerospace Plate and Sheet New Product Development at Alcoa

Tuesday, April 2, 2013: 3:30 PM
402 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Brandon Bodily , Alcoa Incorporated, Alcoa Center, PA
Mr. Greg Venema , Alcoa Inc, Riverdale, IA
Mr. Dirk Mooy , Alcoa Inc, Battendorf, IA
Dr. Gary Bray , Alcoa, Inc., Alcoa Center, PA
Mr. Jeff Witters , Alcoa Inc, Battendorf, IA
Progress in the development and commercialization of plate and sheet products for aerospace applications will be presented. An update in static and dynamic properties of semi-finished flat rolled products for use in the manufacture of wings, fuselage and internal structure will be reviewed. Progress generating temper registration, AMS and MMPDS design data will be presented; finally, details from trade studies highlighting the potential weight savings attained by designing with new 2xxx, 7xxx and Al-Li products will be discussed.