Development of Electron Beam Single Melting (EBSM) of ATI 6-4 TM Alloy and ATI 425(r) Alloys
(VAR); however, both electron beam (EB) and plasma melting are now available. These more recent technologies can be combined with cold-hearth technology to enable removal of high density inclusions, dissolution of any potential low density inclusions and controlled solidification in order to minimize segregation of alloying elements. This presentation will provide a general overview of titanium melting technologies with an emphasis on potential future applications for EB processing. Over the past several years, EBSM technology at ATI has evolved through continuous improvement techniques allowing for the creation of Ti-6Al-4V jumbo ingots for direct thermo-mechanical processing and for "in-chem" electrodes for single VAR processing. More recently, single melt technology has been adapted to produce ATI 425(r) Alloy for use in sheet products. In addition to discussing the results from both of these developments, this presentation will connect this technology to novel aerospace products.