The Aeroscraft: A New Frontier in Large Aerostructure Construction

Wednesday, April 3, 2013: 1:45 PM
Exhibit Halls A&B (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Igor Pasternak , Worldwide Aeros Corp., Montebello, CA
Aeros has developed the Aeroscraft: Vertical lift Rigid Technology with Internal Carriage and Auto-ballast Logistics Vehicle designed for: 
  • VTOL and Hovering operations from un-prepared rough landing areas in extreme climates and all weather conditions by day and night;
  • carrying a 66 ton of unrestricted by size payload of variety of equipment over extended ranges;
  • being unloaded without of ground handling equipment;
  • 1/3 fuel consumption compare with modern fix wing airlift

The subscale 250 ft prototype was constructed and tested in 2012. Aerostructure of full size Aeroscraft will be over 500 ft long

To overcoming the manufacturing challenges of fabrication of a large three-dimensional structure required paradigm shift in engineering methodology, assembly process and material  development and applications.

Lean development, production methods, improve product build hours and flow times critical to achieve coast affordability. Research and development in new and innovative aerospace materials and processes support challenging requirements to meet the demand for low-cost, lightweight, and reliable aerostructure

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