Advanced Replacement for Wet Installation

Tuesday, April 2, 2013: 3:00 PM
407 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Bob Briley , Innovative Coatings Technology Corporation, Mojave, CA
Mr. Winston Wade , INCOTEC (Innovative Coatings Technology Corporation), Mojave, CA
Using wet sealant with fastener installation is a practice widely exercised throughout the aerospace industry, even though there exists a more cost effective, environmentally friendly, and safer solution, the concept of pre-coating rivets remains slow to catch on. Pre-coated Rivets offer the same benefits as wet installation filling voids caused by offhand drilling. However, the benefits of pre-coated rivets include lower labor costs, elimination of environmental cleanup costs, elimination of sealant, and the elimination of sealant related safety equipment. These costs are enormous and far exceed the added cost of pre-coating rivets. This presentation will address the issues associated with wet installation, and offer a more efficient solution through modern advances in polymer technology.